신약개발 소식, 해외 논문들

제3세대 EGFR TKI 개요설명

stayalive1 2024. 9. 11. 06:17

The advance of the thirdgeneration EGFRTKI in the treatment of nonsmall cell lung cancer (Review) (2023.12.5)



The advance of the third‑generation EGFR‑TKI in the treatment of non‑small cell lung cancer (Review)

Lung cancer is currently the second most common type of cancer with the second incidence rate and the first mortality rate worldwide. Non‑small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for ~85% of the total number of cases of lung cancers. Concerning the treatm



* 종류

1. Osimertinib (also named AZD9291) 타그리소


2. Almonertinib (also named HS-10296)


3. Furmonertinib (also named AST2818)


4. Olmutinib (also named HM61713)


5. Lazertinib (also named YH25448) 레락자


6. Nazartinib (also named EGF816)


7. Rociletinib (also named CO1686)


8. Other third-generation targeted drugs

 1) abivertinib (AC0010) 

 2) naquotinib (ASP8273) w

 3) rezivertinib (BPI-7711)

 4) 그외 mavelertinib (PF-06747775) (65), limertinib (ASK120067) (66,67), befotertinib (D-0316) (68), olafertinib (CK-101/RK518), keynatinib (16), SH-1028 (69,70) and TAS-121 (71), which are all under development and trial.